Harrow View

    Upgrading gas pipes along Harrow View, Harrow

    1. Essential work will help keep residents connected to safe and reliable gas supplies for cooking and heating
    2. Work starts on 17 June to replace around 1km of pipe along Harrow View for 42 weeks
    3. A width restriction will be in place to restrict vehicles travelling northbound on Harrow View

    Cadent is upgrading the gas network along Harrow View, Harrow, replacing the old metal gas pipes with more durable plastic pipe from 17 June for 42 weeks.

    Local gas distribution company Cadent, will be upgrading a kilometer section of the old metal pipes on Harrow View from the junction with Headstone Gardens southwards to Hindes Road.

    To help minimise disruption to road users, we will complete our work in 100 metres sections with rolling road closures in place starting from Headstone Gardens moving south to Hindes Road.

    Traffic management

    Northbound traffic

    A width restriction will be in place at the junction of Headstone Road and Greenhill Way to prohibit the movement of all HGV, buses and large vehicles travelling north along Harrow View. This will ensure residential roads are not used by these vehicles.

    Buses that travel north along Headstone Road and Harrow View will be diverted along Pinner Road to North Harrow and then back towards Harrow View along Headstone Gardens.

    Northbound rolling road closure

    Access for smaller vehicles travelling north along Harrow View will still be maintained up to the point of the Cadent works. Vehicles will then be diverted to use the side streets to continue their journey around the closure. The closure will move along Harrow View as the works progress.

    Southbound traffic

    Southbound access towards the town centre should be maintained at all times for cars and small vehicles.

    Service pipe replacement

    Cadent will also be upgrading the smaller ‘service’ pipes, which supply gas to properties from the bigger main gas pipe in the street. The Cadent team will be in touch to explain further details, if we are going to replace your service pipe.

    Traffic management will be reviewed as the works progress and might be subject to change to ensure traffic is flowing.

    Want to know more? Visit Under Your Feet - Cadent Gas Ltd(cadentgas.com)

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