Supporting our customers

    Priority Services Register (PSR)

    All the help and information you need to register yourself on the Priority Services Register (PSR).

    Priority Services Register (PSR) white arrow button orange arrow button
    Keeping you safe on your doorstep

    How to make sure that our engineers are who they say they are and are working for us. How to provide a password for extra security.

    Keeping you safe on your doorstep white arrow button orange arrow button
    Be scam aware

    Be scam aware! Scams affect the lives of millions of people across the UK on a daily basis

    Be scam aware white arrow button orange arrow button
    Maximise your income

    Helping you to maximise your income with our benefits calculator and free online budgetary tool

    Maximise your income white arrow button orange arrow button
    Locking Cooker Valves

    A guide to safety valves, including what they do, how to test them and how to apply for a free locking cooker valve from Cadent.

    Locking Cooker Valves white arrow button orange arrow button
    Working in partnership

    How we work with other organisations to keep you safe and warm.

    Working in partnership white arrow button orange arrow button
    Gas theft

    Gas theft is a dangerous crime and is punishable by law. Find out the facts and how to report theft of gas here.

    Gas theft white arrow button orange arrow button
    Sense of smell

    Most of us do not even realise what an important role the sense of smell plays in our lives and the problems people who are deprived of it face.

    Sense of smell white arrow button orange arrow button
    How do I find my MPRN number?

    Your MPRN may not be something that you’re initially familiar with but can be important to know. Our guide will explain what it is and how to find it.

    How do I find my MPRN number? white arrow button orange arrow button
    Where should I put my carbon monoxide alarm?

    A guide to carbon monoxide detectors, how to use them and what to do if they go off.

    Where should I put my carbon monoxide alarm? white arrow button orange arrow button
    Who is my gas supplier?

    Making sure that you know who supplies the gas to your home is important for many reasons. Find out why and how to check here.

    Who is my gas supplier? white arrow button orange arrow button
    Making our printed information accessible

    Do you need help reading our printed information? We have accessibility tools to help.

    Find out more white arrow button orange arrow button
    Incident alert



    Smell Gas?

    0800 111 999*

    Aa Accessibility