Environmental Information Regulations


    A wide range of environmental information can be found on our website – but if you cannot find what you are looking for, we will be able to advise and assist you in locating that information or we will respond to a request made in accordance with the Environmental Information Regulations 2004.

    We aim to deal with any such request as soon as possible but in any event within 20 working days. It may be your request is straight forwards and our response will be swift. However there are circumstances where the gathering of information will take a little time. On occasion the information may take more than 20 days to assimilate in which case we will contact you to inform you that we are extending the deadline to one of 40 working days.

    If we are not clear on exactly what information you are requesting we will write to you and ask for further clarification. If this is the case, the information will be provided within 20 days of receiving your clarification.

    You should know that although we apply a presumption in favour of disclosure, there are circumstances where the information you request cannot be provided. There may be a number of reasons for this, the simplest being that we do not hold the information, or perhaps the information is not environmental information. If we have decided there is a legal reason for withholding information we will write to you and provide written reasons as far as we are able.

    Whatever the reason for non-disclosure you can be sure that Cadent will not only have considered your request very closely, but we will have also applied the public interest test balancing the presumption of disclosure against the legal exemptions which apply, before reaching a decision.

    In some cases, there may be a reasonable charge for providing the information requested. No charge will be made for provision of information and publications already made available free of charge by Cadent, advising on the availability of information, for inspecting public registers or examining information on Cadent premises. When we receive your request, we will advise on whether a fee applies and the expected cost. The charges are set out below.

    If you wish to proceed with your request, the information will be supplied on receipt of payment. Failure to pay within 60 days of the request will automatically cancel your enquiry.

    How to make a request

    In order to facilitate your request we have a designated email through which enquiries can be made. However contact can be made in the following ways:

    By email: [email protected]
    By post: Environmental Information Requests
    Pilot Way
    Ansty Park
    CV7 9JU
    By telephone: 0345 070 0203


    If you have made a request for environmental information and you are dissatisfied with our response you have a right to make a complaint within 40 working days of receipt of the refusal. Details on how to do this are set out in our refusal letter. You may make your complaint using the same contact details as for 'How to make a request', above.

    Appeals to the ICO

    If you are still unhappy following the outcome of the internal review process, you can appeal to the Information Commissioner. They can be contacted in the following ways:

    By email: [email protected]
    By post: The Information Commissioner
    Wycliffe House
    Water Lane
    SK9 5AF

    Further information regarding the Environmental Information Regulations 2005 can be found on the Information Commissioner’s website at http://ico.org.uk/guide-to-the-environmental-regulations/


    Cadent are not committed to charge in every case. However Cadent are a commercial business and regard has to be made to the cost. The decision to charge costs will be decided on a case by case basis taking into the following factors amongst others:

    1. Whether the request is a single request or annexed to another
    2. The time engaged in dealing with the request
    3. The amount of documentation to be disclosed
    4. The cost of postage
    5. The circumstances of the requester
    6. The costs of staff engaged in locating, retrieving and extracting information in the required format will be charged at £25.00 an hour. Photocopying will be charged at 10p per black and white A4 sheet. Colour copies will be supplied at 50p per sheet. Postage will be charged at 2nd class post rates.
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