Who we are

    What we do

    • We look after the main gas pipe that supplies your area, as well as the smaller pipe branching off from it that brings gas to your home/business.
    • We maintain, repair and replace gas pipes to ensure the safe and reliable flow of gas now and long into the future.
    • We manage the National Gas Emergency Service for all gas customers in the UK. If something goes wrong, we are the first point of call to make sure it's dealt with calmly, quickly and safely.
    • We connect homes and renewable gas suppliers to our network.
    • We work with local businesses to expand and develop our network.
    • We provide extra care for those who might need it in a gas emergency.

    What we don't do

    • We don’t produce gas.
    • We don’t own the gas that flows through our pipes - we only bring it to you.
    • We don’t repair gas appliances.
    • We don’t send out gas bills.
    • You do not pay your gas bill to us. However, the work we do is included in your bill. Around 20% of your overall bill - which you pay to your supplier - goes towards looking after the gas pipes and running the National Gas Emergency Service.


    Officially created - when National Grid sold its gas distribution business- we can trace our roots back 200 years,to the very start of the gas industry in Britain.

    11 Million +

    11 Million

    homes, businesses, schools, hospitals in the UK are connected with our gas pipes


    82,000 miles

    of gas pipes - placed end to end, that amount would stretch more than three times around the world.



    employees in the UK

    1.4 million

    1.4 million

    Number of calls received Mar 2021 - Apr 2022. We manage the national gas emergency free phone line on behalf of the gas industry. If you smell gas call us immediately on 0800 111 999 - day or night

    Incident alert



    Smell Gas?

    0800 111 999*

    Aa Accessibility