A family gathering featuring a senior man, a woman, and a baby in close proximity in an indoor setting

    Going further for customers living in vulnerable situations.

    The introduction of the Vulnerability and Carbon Monoxide Allowance (VCMA) in RIIO-2 has provided us with the flexibility to deliver an even greater positive impact to our customers and the communities we serve.

    Our gas network covers some of the most deprived areas in the UK, and the situation is worsening as the cost of living increases and energy prices hit record levels. We enter thousands of customers’ homes every single day and have trained all our front-line colleagues to be able to spot signs of vulnerability, including living in fuel poverty, empowering them to offer a range of support through the VCMA funded initiatives that we have established. 

    Through our vulnerability strategy we have developed a suite of commitments in four key priority areas. Each of our VCMA projects contributes towards the delivery of these commitments, making positive differences to the lives of our customers through the interventions that we make.

    Our commitments

    Our previous company and collaborative reports can be found here and include detail of the projects we have funded using the VCMA.

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