
    Maintenance and upgrade works - Redbridge site

    Our facility in Redbridge has been operational since 1981, supplying gas to Redbridge and the wider surrounding area.

    As part of our ongoing commitment to maintain the gas supply, we need to carry out some works to our Redbridge site; these works will lengthen the life of this key asset and improve its security; this will enable us to continue to effectively meet peak gas demand across this area of London in the years to come. This programme of work has been developed by the Government’s Health and Safety Executive, the energy regulator Ofgem, and the Department of Energy Security and Net Zero.


    Proposed work:

    As part of our ongoing commitment to maintain the gas supply, we need to carry out some works to lengthen the life of this key asset and improve its security.

    The map provides a bird’s eye view of the existing site in Redbridge where we need to carry out the following maintenance and improvements:

    • Replacement of some equipment on our main Redbridge Lane West site including mechanical equipment and pipe support
    • Modification of smaller adjacent cadent site to replace ladders and platforms to make it safe for our personnel
    • Installation of fencing to improve the safety of the site and replacing perimeter fence with higher specification fencing.

    In order to facilitate this work, we need to:

    • Undertake some vegetation and tree removal
    • Install a temporary site compound for our construction team, including welfare facilities, storage for machinery and equipment, parking for HGVs and a main project office. This will be based at Redbridge Lane West Allotments.

    We will ensure all ecological surveys are complete prior to commencing work and we will replace every tree removed with five new trees. During construction, our team will use the latest technology to make our operations quieter for our neighbours and we will monitor noise levels throughout our activities. We are working alongside the Redbridge Neighbourhood Street Scene Team and a specialist consultant to ensure all work is undertaken safely.

    Pre and post view of our sites:

    Our footprint of our site will change due to the works we need to carry out.

    View of site during construction


    We have been in discussions with affected allotment holders over the past few years to see how their leases for the allotment areas will change. We have made relevant agreements with affected allotment holders as applicable to their specific needs. At Redbridge Lane West allotment, nine allotment holders were affected by our plans but the remaining allotment holders will not have to change their allotment plots.

    Thank you to all who were able to attend the information event in February.

    Please see the summary of the event, including the updated timeline.



    Virtual Engagement Event

    Following our update in January regarding the Secretary of State approval, we want to update you on our construction timeline for the Redbridge Lane West Project.

    We would like to invite you to a virtual engagement event on Tuesday 27th February from 5-6:30pm.

    During this session we will present our update on the project and you will have the opportunity to ask questions in the same way as in the usual in-person sessions.

    If you wish to join us, please email us on: [email protected] or call us on 0800 068 7925 to confirm attendance and to receive further information.

    We look forward to speaking to you and answering any questions you may have about the project.

    Secretary of State approval received for Redbridge project

    We have now received the consent from the Secretary of State to be able to start our maintenance project at our site in Redbridge, which includes nine allotment areas.

    Redbridge London Borough Council received the consent from the Secretary of State in the new year and confirmed to Cadent that the approval had been received.

    With the Secret of State consent, we are now able to fully plan our timetable of works. We aim to share the outline timetable in the next few months.

    We will be holding a drop-in event on the Tuesday 28 November between 3 and 7pm at Wanstead Golf Club (Overton Drive, Wanstead, London E11 2LW).

    This will provide an opportunity for all local residents to learn more about the project and ask questions about the project with the team.


    Redbridge Council have submitted the application to the Secretary of State and we await the decision.

    In the meantime we are preparing the construction programme and we will update you once the final programme has been decided.

    Minimal Impact Strategy:

    When planning our essential upgrade works, we developed a “Minimal Impact Strategy” to ensure our construction works show few signs of our presence to our local neighbours.

    As a result of the valuable feedback received from the council and local community, we have made the following proposals to limit our construction impact by splitting our work compound areas.

    Our Lands and Planning team carried out thorough investigations of the Redbridge site to find a suitable space for our construction compound. The teams originally found Redbridge Lane West Allotment to be the most suitable location; however, after considering the impacts, it was decided that splitting the compound between Wanstead Park and Redbridge Lane West Allotment sites would reduce the impact significantly.

    We have also committed to reduce noise where we can during our construction phase by investing in the latest technology for machinery. We will monitor noise throughout our activities on site so we can mitigate the impacts to our neighbours.


    Construction compounds:

    As a result of feedback received during our consultations, our main project compound will be set up in Wanstead Park, behind Wanstead Park Road Allotments and screened by trees.

    Redbridge West Compound


    Wanstead Park Compound


    This compound will be used for:

    • Main project office
    • Welfare facilities
    • Store equipment needed for construction
    • Park and ride to the construction site
    • Storage of HGVs and plant

    Working with allotment holders:

    The disruption of our works to individual allotment holders will vary according to their plot’s location; we have arranged these plots into various groups based on the level of impact.

    We have been working closely with the nine allotments holders whose plots will be mostly affected by our construction works; We have made arrangements with these allotment holders to support them to either temporarily vacate their plots or by moving their plot to a new location.

    We are pleased that the remainder of the allotment holders will be able to stay at their plots during the construction phase.

    We know that those allotment holders who will be able to carry on using their plot during the work will still be able to see and hear the works taking place. We strive to be a considerable neighbour at all times and will share our plans on how we will reduce this impact during construction post-detailed design.

    We are committed to benefitting the community we are impacting during these works in the long term. Therefore, we will carry out improvements to the allotment facilities, such as installing a new toilet facility and providing a new communal water supply.

    Wanstead Park:

    As a result of feedback received during our consultations, our main project compound will be set up in Wanstead Park, behind Wanstead Park Road Allotments and screened by trees.

    •  We are liaising with the allotment holders who are located near the proposed compound.
    •  There will be no direct impact on the allotments at Wanstead Park Road Allotments.
    •  We need to make improvements to the existing access road to make it safe and practicable for the duration of our work.
    • We are aware of the presence of beehives on the Wanstead Park Road Allotments and we have been working with the beekeepers and Redbridge Council to ensure they have been safely transferred to a new location.

    February 2024 updated timeline


    We have driven this project timeline, in consultation and agreement with The Department of Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) and the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), to complete the works at this site, during the regulatory period 2021-2025, as part of a wider business strategy to secure our customers future energy demands.

    We are still at the critical early design & procurement stages of this project, however our key focus will be our engagement with you at every step of the way, keeping you informed of our progress throughout. We are working towards a construction start date of 2023.

    We are liaising closely with Redbridge Council and expert Consultants to plan our work. We will engage with the affected stakeholders in advance to discuss what we are doing so that we can plan a scheme which considers the needs of local people and the environment.

    We have carried out a thorough review of the site and conducted a series of ecological and environmental surveys to help us understand the local ecology and potential habitats on site. These surveys identify the measures we need to take to protect the environment, including any protected species.

    We have a dedicated team who work hard to protect areas of local amenity value. These include important existing habitats and landscape features such as historic hedgerows, surface and ground water resources and nature conservation areas. There will be a 5:1 replanting policy in place for any trees we need to remove, and clearance work will be under the watch and guidance of an appointed ecologist.

    We are liaising with Redbridge Council and the Neighbourhood Street Scene team to ensure that we carry this work out as effectively as possible. We always aim to leave the environment where we undertake our work in a better condition than before.

    We follow the requirements of the local authority set out in our planning conditions and government guidance relating to vehicle movements, cyclists, noise, pollution etc.

    Most importantly, we engage with the local communities that we are likely to impact. We will continue to liaise with relevant stakeholders throughout the life cycle of the project.

    We are engaging with the London Borough of Redbridge including local politicians, Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure, leisure and planning officers from the Regeneration, Property and Planning department, the principal arboricultural and horticultural officer from the Neighbourhood Street Scene and the Highways Safeguarding Adult Board Team (acting as Lead Local Flood Authority).

    During our maintenance works we use experienced and qualified contractors to carry out the work on our behalf. We manage our contractors and monitor their performance closely.

    Working hours would be 7am until 6pm weekdays. If weekend work is necessary, we’ll agree this with the local authority, and write to you to inform you.

    We are at early stages of our traffic management plan, however, our traffic management plans consider the local area, road network and speed limits and avoids residential areas where possible. It’s designed to minimise disruption whilst we’re working on our sites.

    All heavy vehicle deliveries will call us in advance to discuss the best route to site and arrange dates and times to avoid a queue on local roads. We’ll make a passing point for vehicles in the site compound/ access road, and we’ll install traffic signage at the proposed site entrance to keep access entrances clear at all times.

    Traffic management will be agreed with the local authority. As soon as we have more detailed information, we will ensure that we communicate this out to the local community.

    As an essential infrastructure provider, Cadent benefits from permitted development rights for gas transporters under Part 15 Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015. Most of our works fall under these rights with the exception of the works to upgrade the security fencing which will require planning permission.

    Cadent has already engaged with the London Borough of Redbridge through a pre-application enquiry and will continue to liaise with the planning team, other consultees and stakeholders throughout the planning process as the detailed design is developed. We are committed to working closely with the council to submit this planning application.

    Options for the nine allotment holders:

    We understand how much time and effort has gone into caring for the allotments; that’s one of the reasons we’ve started talking with you so early in the process of upgrading the gas site, to give you as much time as possible to let us know your requirements.

    Here are the four options for affected plots:

    Option 1 - requesting a two-year break from your allotment
    Option 2 - requesting an alternative plot for the duration of our work, and then returning to your original plot once we have reinstated the area
    Option 3 - requesting to move to an alternative plot permanently
    Option 4 - requesting to terminate your lease permanently

    N.B. These are examples only, using indicative timeframes to help demonstrate how the options might work.

    Options 1-3

    Under options 1 to 3, you could move off your plot in Winter 2022/23 or Spring 2023 before we start construction, and return (if desired) after construction finishes – expected to be in Autumn 2024.

    The exact timing of your move may depend on where you go, and the crops you grow – your move could be earlier or later depending on your plot requirements.

    This timeframe is indicative and may be subject to change, pending the outcomes of our detailed design and planning process which is due to start in February 2022 and take around 12 months to complete.

    Suggestions for packages to support options 1 to 3

    Here are some examples of what could be included in a benefits package to support your move(s). The package would be dependent upon your preferred option and the requirements for your plot:

    • Covering the costs associated with your lease
    • Covering the costs associated with transporting and/or storing existing items such plants, seeds, gardening infrastructure and equipment
    • Providing new and improved items for the plot
    • Providing experts to help with soil, planting, landscaping, making an inventory, and matching the conditions of plots as closely as possible (e.g., soil pH)
    • These options are available for new plots and for those returning to their original plots after construction

    We would like to meet with you to confirm a timeframe specific to your plot.

    Option 4: requesting to terminate your lease permanently

    A final option is to consider terminating your lease and permanently vacating your plot. If you would like to take up this option, you would need to let us and Redbridge Council know by a specified time – likely to be in Summer 2022. You could continue to use the allotment up until the date deemed by the lease conditions, in consultation with us and Redbridge Council.

    Suggestions for a package to support option 4

    We would provide you with a package of benefits that could include covering the costs associated with moving items off the plot.

    At the end of construction, the plots will be reinstated or improved, and made available again via Vision to a new leaseholder.

    N.B. These are examples only, using indicative timeframes to help demonstrate how the options might work.


    We will be continuing to engage with local stakeholders regularly as we develop and refine our designs and plans throughout all stages of the project lifecycle, to ensure that we can minimise our impact and make the project work best for the local community.

    Consultation dates:

    • Thursday 13th January 2022 from 4-5pm for councillors, ward members, Vision representatives - virtual session
    • Thursday 13th January 2022 from 6-7pm for allotment holders from Wanstead Park Road - virtual session
    • Thursday 20th January 2022 from 6-7pm - drop in session for any allotment holder - virtual session
    • Wednesday 26th January 2022 from 6-7pm at Wanstead Golf Club (Subject to COVID-19, if a face to face meeting is not possible, this meeting will change to a virtual meeting.)
    • Wednesday 9th February 2022 from 6-7pm for Redbridge Lane West allotment holders at Wanstead Golf Club
    • Thursday 24th February 2022 - 6:30-7:30pm for Redbridge Lane West allotment holders at Wanstead Golf Club
    • Wednesday 23rd March 2022 - 6:30-7:30pm open to all allotment holders at Wanstead Golf Club
    • Wednesday 27th April 2022 - 6:30-7:30pm open to all allotment holders at Wanstead Golf Club

    These meetings are for allotment holders only.

    If you would like to attend please contact us at [email protected] or 0800 068 7925 and we will be able to send you joining instructions for the virtual sessions.

    Further meetings with the allotment holders will be held throughout the project. Please check these pages for updates.

    COVID-19 measures are put in place for all face to face meetings, following the latest Government guidelines.  If you have any COVID symptoms please do not attend a face to face meeting.  Contact us when you are well and we will be happy to update you with the latest information.

    We have driven this project timeline, in consultation and agreement with The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) [now DESNZ] and the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), to complete the works at this site, during the regulatory period 2021-2025, as part of a wider business strategy to secure our customers future energy demands.


    You can find out more about our works  by downloading the leaflet below. Feedback forms for the respective groups can also be found below – please submit any feedback to us by the 28 January 2022. You can submit these to [email protected] or by sending them to FREEPOST COMMUNITY RELATIONS TEAM.



    We have driven this project timeline, in consultation and agreement with The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and the Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem), to complete the works at this site, during the regulatory period 2021-2025, as part of a wider business strategy to secure our customers future energy demands.

    We are still at the critical early design & procurement stages of this project, however our key focus will be our engagement with you at every step of the way, keeping you informed of our progress throughout. We are working towards a construction start date of 2023.

    We are liaising closely with Redbridge Council and expert Consultants to plan our work. We will engage with the affected stakeholders in advance to discuss what we are doing so that we can plan a scheme which considers the needs of local people and the environment.

    We have carried out a thorough review of the site and conducted a series of ecological and environmental surveys to help us understand the local ecology and potential habitats on site. These surveys identify the measures we need to take to protect the environment, including any protected species.

    We have a dedicated team who work hard to protect areas of local amenity value. These include important existing habitats and landscape features such as historic hedgerows, surface and ground water resources and nature conservation areas. There will be a 5:1 replanting policy in place for any trees we need to remove, and clearance work will be under the watch and guidance of an appointed ecologist.

    We are liaising with Redbridge Council and the Neighbourhood Street Scene team to ensure that we carry this work out as effectively as possible. We always aim to leave the environment where we undertake our work in a better condition than before.

    We follow the requirements of the local authority set out in our planning conditions and government guidance relating to vehicle movements, cyclists, noise, pollution etc.

    Most importantly, we engage with the local communities that we are likely to impact. We will continue to liaise with relevant stakeholders throughout the life cycle of the project.

    We are engaging with the London Borough of Redbridge including local politicians, Vision Redbridge Culture and Leisure, leisure and planning officers from the Regeneration, Property and Planning department, the principal arboricultural and horticultural officer from the Neighbourhood Street Scene and the Highways Safeguarding Adult Board Team (acting as Lead Local Flood Authority).

    During our maintenance works we use experienced and qualified contractors to carry out the work on our behalf. We manage our contractors and monitor their performance closely.

    Working hours would be 7am until 6pm weekdays. If weekend work is necessary, we’ll agree this with the local authority, and write to you to inform you.

    We are at early stages of our traffic management plan, however, our traffic management plans consider the local area, road network and speed limits and avoids residential areas where possible. It’s designed to minimize disruption whilst we’re working on our sites.

    All heavy vehicle deliveries will call us in advance to discuss the best route to site and arrange dates and times to avoid a queue on local roads. We’ll make a passing point for vehicles in the site compound/ access road, and we’ll install traffic signage at the proposed site entrance to keep access entrances clear at all times.

    Traffic management will be agreed with the local authority. As soon as we have more detailed information, we will ensure that we communicate this out to the local community.

    As an essential infrastructure provider, Cadent benefits from permitted development rights for gas transporters under Part 15 Class A of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015. Most of our works fall under these rights with the exception of the works to upgrade the security fencing which will require planning permission.

    Cadent has already engaged with the London Borough of Redbridge through a pre-application enquiry and will continue to liaise with the planning team, other consultees and stakeholders throughout the planning process as the detailed design is developed. We are committed to working closely with the council to submit this planning application.

    We hope this diagram will explain what are proposed plans are for the drainage ditch.

    The plans for the drainage ditch next to Cadent's site during construction


    We have proposed four options for allotment holders:

    1. To take a two year break from your allotment
    2. To move to an alternative plot temporary
    3. To move to an alternative plot permanently
    4. To terminate your existing contract

    The timing is up to the individual allotment holders. We will work with these allotment holders to discuss the best timing for them in line with the construction period. This is the reason why we need to have direct conversations with these specific nine allotment holders.

    We have given examples below to explain why the timings may vary depending on an individual's decision.

    Incident alert



    Smell Gas?

    0800 111 999*

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