Cadent is replacing 2.5km of gas pipes along the B1310 along Aldermans Hill, Main Road and Southend Road, Hockley from 24 March to the middle of December 2025.
The work starts from outside of number 58 Aldermans Hill Hockley, along the B1310 to Southend Road with the junction of Hockley Rise and Belchamps Way, Hockley.
The project has been divided into 18 phases, most of which will be completed with 2 or 3 way rolling temporary traffic lights. At certain junctions we need to close the side roads, to enable us to cross them quicker.
Junction closures during school holidays, when traffic should be reduced.
Other Junction closures
Please see Phases tab for times when these junction closure will be in place and timings for each of the phases.
Carl Williams, Head of Investment Delivery explained, “Over the years, there have been multiple repairs on these gas mains, resulting in extensive traffic management measures each time. These frequent repairs have significantly disrupted the highway and community.
“After significant discussions with the local council and highways authority, we have developed this project to reduce the overall disruption. We have reduced the original scheduled time for this project by ten weeks.
“While this project will temporarily affect the area, it is designed to eliminate the need for recurrent repairs, thereby reducing long-term traffic congestion and disruption.
“Ultimately, this proactive approach will enhance the reliability of our gas network and ensure that we can keep our customers safe and warm.”
This work to upgrade ageing gas pipes will ensure the local community can continue to receive a safe and reliable gas supply into the future for many decades to come.
We have answered as many of the questions asked at the meeting last week and you will find them on the Drop-In Session tab on the website and we have also asked the Parish Clerk to share on the Parish Council notice boards too. We have included an updated map with phases for the Parish Council to share too.
We will be holding another meeting for those who weren’t able to attend the first meeting last week. We are just waiting for the confirmation of the date and times, along with the location as soon as this has been confirmed.
Yesterday, we had a meeting with the Chamber of Commerce representatives to explain our works and listen to the concerns of businesses too. This was a very productive meeting, and a better understanding was gained by everyone.
As requested, we have added more signage boards further out of Hockley to advise road users of the essential gas work.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our drop-in session yesterday afternoon. We are aware that the traffic management of this project is your number one concern.
It was very helpful to hear your questions and concerns. We hope we were able to answer most of your questions. The questions we were weren’t able to answer, we will get the answers for you.
We continue to work with Essex Council to do as much as possible to reduce disruption and ensure a greater awareness of the project.
Each phase will take two weeks to complete, except Phases 11 & 12 which will take up to three weeks to complete.
Rolling temporary two or three-way traffic lights will be in place as we move along the B1013.
Phases | Street location |
1 | 58- 38 Aldermans Hill |
2 | 38 - 14 Aldermans Hill |
3 | 14 Aldermans Hill - 110 Main Road |
4 | 110 - 92 Main Road |
5 | 92 - 84a Main Road |
6 | 84a - 70 Main Road |
7 | 70 - 60 Main Road |
8 | 60 – 46b Main Road |
9 | 46b - 36a Main Road |
10 | 36a – 22 Main Road |
11 | 22 Main Road – 10 Warren House Spa Road closed at the junction of Southend Road and Main Road Parking bays restricted outside shops. To be carried out within School Summer holidays |
12 | 10 Waren House Main Road - 58 Southend Road Woodlands Road closed at the junction of Southend Road and Main Road. Parking bays restricted outside shops. To be carried out within School Summer holidays |
13 | 58 – 44 Southend Road |
14 | 44 - 28 Southend Road |
15 | 28 – 18b Southend Road Great Eastern Road closed at the junction of Southend Road |
16 | 18b – 4a Southend Road |
17 | 4a Southend Road – 276 Main Road Temporary traffic lights at the junction of Hockley Rise to the junction of Southend Road. Road closure on Belchamps Way, no entrance from Hockley Rise, access for residents only from The Westerings. Continues into Phase 18. |
18 | 1 Hockley Rise – 18 Belchamps Way Hockley Rise closed at the junction of Southend Road. Road closure on Belchamps Way, no entrance from Hockley Rise, access for residents only from The Westerings. |
Date and time: Wednesday 12 March between 3:30pm-5:30pm
Where: Hockley Public Hall, Bullwood Road, Hockley SS5 4RA
Please see below the answers to some of the questions you asked at the Drop-in Session on 12 March 2025. We have tried to answer as many of your questions as possible. If we haven’t answered your questions, it’s because we are still working with others to confirm the answer.
We will be holding another meeting for you soon. The date will be advertised once the details have been confirmed.
New questions from drop-in session held on Wednesday 12 March 2025
What if the temporary traffic lights don’t work out of hours?
You can report any traffic lights that are not working to our Customer Care Centre Monday-Friday from 8am-8pm by calling 0800 085 4478 or emailing us at [email protected].
Outside of these hours, please contact our traffic management company on 0208 432 8732.
Can you close the roads westbound for one-way traffic to minimise traffic build up?
Unfortunately, by closing the lane westbound this will cause a lengthy diversion and traffic will be unmanaged. Due to size, some vehicles may not manage with the diversion, which would cause more delays. With temporary traffic lights we will be managing the traffic manually to ensure that it keeps flowing.
Will you be starting work from both ends of the project at the same time?
We will be starting from one end of the project, outside 58-38 Aldermans Hill and moving east as our works progresses. Unfortunately, we can’t start our works from both ends of the project as the traffic management would clash and cause traffic between the two ends, which would become heavier as the two sites get closer to each other.
Can a diversion be put in place so that road users avoid the area?
As most of the project is being carried out under 2-way lights and not road closures, there isn’t an official diversion, but road users can use side roads to avoid the area. Where essential junction closures are in place, diversions will be signposted.
Will you be using CCTV on your works?
We will be using CCTV to monitor the traffic management, as well as having teams on site 7am-7pm, 7 days a week.
Can vans be parked further away from the work to free up road space?
The amount of road space taken up will vary throughout the project and will be minimised at all times. The size of our area of work takes into account the size and location of the pipes, movement of machinery and equipment and the safety of our workforce and the public.
Our engineers carry essential equipment on their vans to carry out our works safely, therefore, they need to park in close proximity to the holes we’re digging. Where possible, our engineers will endeavour to park any vans that are not carrying equipment on nearby roads.
Can you get more teams on site to work more efficiently?
We plan our works very carefully to ensure we maximise productivity and minimise the disruption as much as possible. Therefore, we have added an additional engineering team to this project to reduce the original duration. There will also be additional resources on certain days to complete specialist duties to alleviate the engineering teams from completing that work.
Can bin collections be changed to overnight collections?
This will be put to the refuse company, and we will provide an update with their response.
How do you inform customers of your works?
We’re required to send letters to customers who will have a gas supply interruption, but due to Hockley being a traffic sensitive area, we extended our mailing list wider to reach more residents and businesses, so that they can plan more time for their journeys or find an alternative route.
We’ve also made information accessible via our website (, Facebook, Next Door and local Parish noticeboards.
Where can I get updates from on how works are progressing?
Information about our works progress is available on our website, on the ‘updates’ tab, as well as the traffic notices boards too.
Can you arrange for a Customer Care Officer to be on site for questions?
Our Customer Care Officer will be on-site carrying out pre-care visits to all customers who will have gas interruptions 1-2 weeks in advance, to explain what work needs to be carried out at their property. We will also arrange for a Customer Care Officer to be on-site once a week on Friday at our welfare unit, which will be located opposite the Bull Pub, at the junction of Bull Lane and Main Road. (Times TBC)
Can you put information on Parish noticeboards?
Yes, we will share information with the Parish Council to display on noticeboards to ensure that it is accessible to everyone.
Can you hold another meeting for the community?
We are currently looking at evening availability at nearby venues to provide you with an opportunity to ask any further questions you may have once the work has started. We will update you as soon as possible.
Will the church be accessible?
We will look to maintain access to all properties on this project, but if the normal access isn’t possible, we will look to find an alternative.
What happens if I’m on holiday when you need to turn off my gas?
If you're on holiday when the letter arrives and we start work while you're away, we shall do the work around your property as much as we can.
There's a chance your gas will be disconnected, and you'll have to contact us on your return to arrange to have the works completed and the gas turned back on. However, there may be a possibility that the work is still ongoing when you return.
The best course of action is, if you can, speak to one of the engineers in the street before you go away and discuss your holiday plans with them. Or if that's not possible, speak to them directly on your return.
Otherwise, please phone the number on the card we will post through your letterbox when we weren't able to gain access.
What are you doing with the green box in some of our gardens/driveways?
Where possible we’ll endeavour to remove the individual gas regulator (the green box) feeding your property.
You’ve all gone home, and I still have no gas
We have different teams, with different skills, doing different parts of the work. The team doing the pipework may have left because their part of the job is done, but the fitters who reconnect the gas are likely to still be in neighbouring properties, safely turning the gas back on and checking gas appliances. They work up to as late as 8pm. If you still haven't had a visit by 7:30pm, please speak to an engineer on site or call 0800 085 4478 to arrange an appointment.
Will you damage the newly resurfaced roads?
Our works are being carried out in the footway. However, if we do need to dig up any part of the road, we have an agreement with Essex County Council that we will fill in and resurface the hole according to the Specification for Reinstatement of the Highway (SROH).
We’re upgrading the ageing gas pipes to tough, durable, long-lasting plastic pipes, which are expected to last over 80 years and will help reduce the likelihood of disruptive, unplanned work to repair ageing gas pipes in the future. Just as importantly, this work will ensure the network is safely carrying gas to heat your properties, provide hot water and cook your food.
Our work to replace ageing gas mains is a major engineering project, which we’ve planned carefully with the local authority and where possible, we’ll use innovative methods and technology to minimise disruption and reduce the time taken to do this work.
We’ve already reduced the length of this project by ten weeks by closing a few junctions on surrounding side roads, ensuring we accelerate progress and reduce the time we’re in one area. We’re also planning the most challenging pieces of work during the school holidays when traffic should be reduced. By using rolling temporary traffic lights we’re able to keep traffic flowing.
If your property is on a road where we’re replacing the gas pipes as shown on our map, then we’ll need to turn off your gas supply for a short period of time on one or two days, starting from approximately 7.30-8.30am until approximately 8pm at night. We’ll send you a letter if this directly affects you and our engineering team will confirm the date(s) your supply will be interrupted 48 hours in advance.
If you would like to check in advance if the gas pipes to your property are being upgraded and therefore, will have gas supply interruption, please call our Customer Care Centre who will be able to check this for you. We’re open Monday-Friday from 8am-8pm and you can contact us by calling 0800 085 4478 or emailing us at [email protected].
If you have a gas supply interruption and you’re registered on the Priority Service Register (PSR) or eligible to be registered, our team will offer alternative heating and cooking facilities.
To ensure traffic flows effectively, traffic lights will be manually controlled 7 days a week, from 7am-7pm with extended hours of 6am to 10pm at the Spa Road roundabout.
We’ve notified the bus companies of our works and plans are in place for buses to follow the diversions and temporary bus stops will be arranged.
We’ll continuously review any congestion and manually change the lights accordingly to keep the traffic flowing.
We’re in contact with local schools to inform them of our works, so that school transport companies, parents and carers can plan extra time for their journeys.
Local primary schools will also be offered a free, fun and engaging lesson on Carbon Monoxide awareness if they haven’t already taken part.
Should the need arise, emergency vehicles will need to follow the short diversions as follows:
This is a common question we encounter; we’ve contacted the refuse companies to advise them of our work and we’ll work closely with them to ensure collections take place as normal on the dedicated day each week.
Our onsite team will be working between 7am – 7pm, 7 days a week. These hours will be extended to 6am-10pm whilst we’re working at the Spa Road roundabout to accelerate progress and minimise disruption.
There may be times when the team isn’t visible on site during the allotted hours. Although it may appear that no one is working at the site itself, they’ll be working in surrounding roads to insert pipes, make connections and to carry out testing, as well as allow for concrete curing. It is only once we are satisfied that the new pipe is safely supplying gas to customers that we can fill in the holes and tidy up.
Once the work is complete, we’ll fill in the holes and resurface the area we’ve dug up, to nationally approved highways standards. We match the colour and texture to the existing surfaces as closely as we can, but new surfaces will take time to weather.
There may be times when holes have not been filled back in. This is due to sound operational reasons. For example, the nature of our work means it’s often necessary for a hole to remain open to provide access to gas pipes in connection with gas pipes in other roads that we’re working in.
We have a commitment to fill holes and return the paths and driveways on your property back to normal within five working days of your gas going back on. If you have a path or driveway made of specialist or hard-to-source materials, such as printed concrete, this may take slightly longer.
Further information on this project can be found on this webpage.
If you have any specific questions, you can call our customer care centre on 0800 085 4478. We’re open from 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday. You can also email us any time at [email protected].
If your business is showing a clear loss of gross profit, please visit our website to check the qualifying criteria and how to contact us. Small Business Claim
We need to carry out our work during the day as we need access to properties to upgrade their gas service (that’s the smaller pipe that connects gas to their property). When we do this, we need to turn off their gas supply temporarily, test their gas appliances and turn their gas back on.
When we plan our work, we always seek opportunities to work with other utilities to share road space to help minimise the impact to the community. These works have been carefully planned with Essex County Council to ensure our work is taking place ahead of any resurfacing works to minimise disruption as much as possible. We’re still exploring whether there are other opportunities to share road space, however, some utilities we’ve engaged with have already upgraded their assets in this area.