West Green Road (Broad Lane)

    Upgrading your gas network

    We are investing over £1 million to improve the gas network in Tottenham – increasing the reliability of gas supplies for thousands of people in North London.

    We need to remove a governor from underneath one of the entrances to Seven Sisters tube station on High Road – and build a new one next to the car park on Westerfield Road. We then need to connect our new governor to our existing mains.

    What are we doing?

    We will be working from 7th May for approximately 19 weeks, until 13th September.

    We will start by digging trial holes around our work site. This will help us see exactly where our mains run and where other utility providers – like water, electricity and telecommunications – have their pipes and cables.

    We will also build our compound in the Westerfield Road car park to store our materials, and as a welfare space for our teams. We will make sure to keep the rest of the car park open at a reduced capacity.

    After the trial holes, we will start work on clearing the space for the new governor and digging trenches along West Green Road and Westerfield Road to lay our new mains.

    After we have connected our new governor to the network – we will safely decommission and remove our existing one.

    As we finish each section, we will reinstate the road and clear our site and materials away.

    We don’t need to turn off anyone’s gas supply to carry out these works.

    Road closures and traffic management

    We need to carry out these essential works before the winter – and to do this safely we need to close some roads, introduce diversions and suspend some parking bays.

    To connect the new governor, we will close West Green Road from the High Road entrance to the junctions with Westerfield Road and Portland Road from 7th May until 21st July.

    This means there will be no vehicle access to West Green Road from Westerfield Road and Suffield Road. Both roads will remain accessible from Seven Sisters Road and a two-way system will be in operation for the duration of the works to allow vehicles in and out.

    Parking bays at the top of Suffield Road will be suspended – including the EV charging points. This is to allow for delivery vehicles to get close to West Green Road and have space to turn round.

    Portland Road will remain open to vehicles turning left from West Green Road, and a traffic light system will be in place for the duration of the works.

    Seven Sisters Station bus stop E (West Green) and D (High Road) will also be closed, and bus routes 41 and N41 will not serve stops between Spur Road and High Road. These buses will follow a diversion route along Phillips Lane and the High Road before continuing their normal route along Broad Lane.

    Around half of the bays in the Westerfield Road car park will be suspended while we are working. The exit near West Green Road will be closed, and the entrance will be widened to become a two-way entry and exit point. Some parking bays opposite the entrance will be closed to make it easier for vehicles to get in and out.

    LTN camera-controlled enforcement will be temporarily suspended on the following roads for the duration of the works:

    Bruce Grove West Green LTN:
    • Mount Pleasant Road (northbound no-entry lifted, southbound filter remains operational)
    • Broadwater Road (northbound filter lifted, southbound filter remains operational)


    St Ann’s LTN:
    • La Rose Lane


    We work closely with Transport for London and Haringey Council to agree all our traffic management plans. You can find more details on the traffic management plans HERE.


    The Project

    We need to remove a governor from underneath one of the entrances to Seven Sisters tube station on High Road – and build a new one next to the car park on Westerfield Road. 

    We then need to connect our new governor to our existing mains. This will involve laying a brand-new pipe to connect the mains on High Road to the new governor off Westerfield Road.

    This means digging trenches to safely lay the new main, which is why we need to close West Green Road. 

    Governor maintain the gas pressure across our network – meaning homes and businesses always have a reliable, safe supply.

    If the pressure is too low or high, the governor will keep the flow rate within a set band.

    The existing governor is old and need to be replaced. We need to do this before the winter to make sure we continue providing a reliable gas supply for thousands of people in the area.

    We also need to replace the existing mains with new, larger ones. This will make them more reliable and reduce the chance of leaks, ensuring we have enough capacity for the future and reducing the need for further works.

    We have agreed our programme with Haringey Council and are allowed to work until 13th September this year. If we need to extend this for any reason, we will agree this with the council and let businesses and residents know as soon as we can.

    We are working closely with Haringey Council to minimise disruption and keep residents and business updated.

    Our contractors will use appropriate equipment and barriers to keep our site safe and minimise noise and dust.

    We will be working from 7am to 8pm Monday to Saturday to make sure we complete our essential works as quickly and safely as possible, minimising disruption to residents and businesses.

    Do you need to cut off the gas supply to carry out these works?

    No – we don’t need to turn off anyone’s gas supply to carry out these works.

    If your gas supply stops, contact our customer service team on: 0800 389 8000. If you can smell gas or have a carbon monoxide issue, contact our gas emergency line: 0800 111 999.

    Why is the diversion so long?

    West Green Road is a major road connecting South Tottenham with Hornsey and Wood Green. To avoid further disruption to local residents and businesses, we have directed vehicles along major roads with more capacity to handle increased traffic. 

    Where can I park?

    Westerfield Road car park will remain open at a reduced capacity for the full duration of the works.

    Haringey Council also operate the Brunswick Road Car Park, which is a five-minute walk away from Westerfield Road.

    I live on West Green Road, can I still get deliveries?

    Yes. Deliveries can still be made to West Green Road via Westerfield Road, Suffield Road, Portland Road, and the High Road.

    Delivery vans will be able to use the two-way system in place on Westerfield Road and Suffield Road to turn around and make their deliveries. They will also have access in and out of Portland Road.

    We will maintain pedestrian access at all times.

    I usually use one of the closest bus stops - where will I be able to get the bus from?

    Seven Sisters Station bus stop E (West Green) and D (High Road) will be closed, and bus routes 41 and N41 will not serve stops between Spur Road and High Road. These buses will follow a diversion route along Phillips Lane and the High Road before continuing their normal route along Broad Lane.

    Bus users travelling to West Green Road should alight at the Phillip Lane bus stop. Those travelling from the East should alight at Wakefield Road.

    Will the tube station exit be closed?

    Seven Sisters underground tube station has two entrances on the West side of the High Road. We need to close the one facing north (towards the junction with West Green Road and High Road) for the duration of the works.

    All the other entrances and exits to Seven Sisters will remain open as normal.

    Will there be changes to the low traffic neighbourhood (LTN) trials?

    LTN camera-controlled enforcement will be temporarily suspended on the following roads for the duration of the works:

    Bruce Grove West Green LTN:

    • Mount Pleasant Road (northbound no-entry lifted, southbound filter remains operational)
    • Broadwater Road (northbound filter lifted, southbound filter remains operational)

    St Ann’s LTN:

    • La Rose Lane

    Will construction affect air quality in the local area - how will you monitor this?

    We follow the requirements of the local authority set out in our planning conditions and government guidance relating to vehicle movements, cyclists, noise and pollution.

    Our construction partners will monitor noise and pollution levels throughout our works and will use specialist equipment to mitigate any impacts if needed.

    Will businesses remain open? Will they be able to claim compensation?

    Businesses will be able to open, and we will maintain pedestrian access at all times.

    If your small business is impacted as a direct result of our gas works, you may be entitled to compensation. You can find out more about our small business compensation scheme here: cadentgas.com/sbc

    How will you keep the community updated?

    We will keep this website updated throughout our works. We will also send out regular update letters and emails, as well as hosting drop-in and community events.

    If your small business is impacted as a direct result of our gas works, you may be entitled to compensation. You can find out more about our small business compensation scheme at cadentgas.com/sbc

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