Gas Pipe Surveys
We have a responsibility to carry out essential checks on the gas pipes in multi-occupancy buildings. This means to carry out the checks we need access to the pipes in your home from time to time.

As part of our commitment to keeping homes and families safe and warm we are upgrading old gas pipes for new ones so that they last long into the future and continue to provide you with a safe, efficient, gas supply.
This means that we are replacing old gas pipes in your building (known as ‘Risers’) and installing new ones. To complete this important work we will need to do some work outside of your building, and possibly inside your home. We may also need to turn off your gas to connect you to the new riser once it has been installed.
Risers are the vertical or horizontal pipes that run up the inside or outside of your building that supply gas to your gas meter. There may be more than one riser in the building and we may not need to replace them all at this time. If the risers that are replaced are connected to your home we will need to turn your gas off to reconnect you to the new riser once it has been installed.
You may remember we recently surveyed the pipes in your building and this has shown that we need to upgrade your pipes. We will now carry out a more detailed assessment of the pipework in your building so we can plan what needs to be done and discuss this with the building owner. Once we’ve done this we’ll write to you to let you know when the work is due to start in your building and whether the risers we replace are connected to your home.
Although you may not see us on site we will still be working. We have a lot to do to develop plans and designs and get the legal permissions to work on the building.
Before we start work we will carry out a survey of the existing pipework in your building. This survey will give us the information we need to develop the plans and designs to build and install the new riser. Once we have installed the new riser we will then transfer the gas supply from the existing riser to the new one.
We will need someone to be at home when we do this.
All our teams carry identity cards, please ask to see them.
Having your telephone number will help us keep in contact with you to prevent this from happening.
Please give us your telephone number so we can keep you updated, and so that we can arrange to come into your home, should we need it. We will not pass your number on to anyone else and we will only use it for keeping you informed of our work.
Call our team on 0800 389 8000
You can also email us at: [email protected]
Our aim is to make this as simple as possible. There is no charge for this work.
Once we have surveyed the building we will let you know if your home is connected to the riser that we will be replacing.
If you are intending to be away from home when we carry out the work you might be able to arrange for an adult (over 18) to let us in while you’re away, but if not we may be able to arrange to come back and finish the work when you return. Once you have confirmation from us of the date our work will be starting please call us to let us know if you are going to be away.
Timescales will vary depending on the work we need to do, but we will keep you informed as the work progresses.
Where possible we will try and minimise disruption to you. We will advise residents as soon as we can if parking is likely to be affected.
If your personal circumstances, or those of someone else in your home, means being without gas would be a problem, please let us know.
Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas that is produced when things like coal, wood, oil and gas, burn without enough ventilation. It’s colourless, odourless, tasteless, and can kill. The symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include: headaches; nausea; tiredness; dizziness; and chest and/or stomach pains. If you experience any of these symptoms seek medical advice straight away.
The PSR is a way for gas and electricity companies to know who needs extra help if there’s a power cut or emergency gas leak. If you think you, or someone you know, should be on the PSR, phone the company on your gas or electricity bill (or both if you get your gas and electricity from different companies) and ask to speak.