
    Based in Switzerland, Sensirion specialise in the development and manufacture of sensor solutions. Their fixed sensor technologies can be used to detect various types of gases. As part of the DPLA project, Cadent is trialling their Nubo Sphere sensors, which provide continuous methane emissions monitoring. Sensirion’s Nubo Sphere combines state-of-the-art sensor technology with advanced analytics and comprehensive software to enable oil and gas producers to reliably manage their emissions.

    Trial Overview

    Cadent will look to install Sensirion sensors at Above-Ground Installation (AGI) sites in East Anglia and North London Sensirion fixed sensors being utilised at AGI sites, combined with other technologies will help inform the energy operations (ops) teams and assist in detecting leaks across assets to a high level of accuracy, playing a vital role in the DPLA trials.

    Network Coverage

    Training sessions for installation and servicing have been conducted with our energy ops teams in North London and East Anglia networks. The devices are being trialled across both regions, and the results will be analysed to gather important data and provide learnings for ourselves and in time the wider industry through dissemination.

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