License and Agreement

    The Open Government License (OGL) is a copyright license that is published by the UK Government. It is designed to be a simple set of terms and conditions that permits anyone to re-use (copy, publish, derive, and distribute) public sector information on the Data Assets provided under this license.

    Cadent has adopted this license for use with ‘Open’ Data Assets. This license requires the data user (e.g. the person/organisation requesting the data) to acknowledge where the source of the Data Asset information comes from via an attribution statement.

    The Data Sharing Agreement documents what data is being shared and how it can be used. Data sharing agreements are signed by the organisations both sharing and receiving data before any data is shared.

    The data sharing agreement is drafted and covers the purpose of sharing the data. It will include information such as your company name, organisational information, and the use case for the usage of the data. This agreement is to be used for all Data Assets classified as ‘shared’ on our Data Catalogue page .

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