
    Planning your works

    Obtaining Clearance to Proceed

    When a job has been design approved, you are required to submit the procedure and obtain clearance to proceed before you can carry out the work to Cadent’s network. Depending on the scope of the job, this could be a Start Date Notification (SDN), Routine Operation (RO) or Non-Routine Operation (NRO) and the table below details the criteria for each.

    CtPCriteriaLead timeFormE-mail address
    SDNLP ≤63mm3 working daysSDN[email protected]
    ROLP ≤12”/355mm5 working daysRO[email protected]
    • LP >12”/355mm
    • All connections into MP or IP
    • Complex works determined by the discretion of the AE*
    5 working daysNRO[email protected]

    *Further information on determining whether an RO or NRO is required can be found in IGEM/GL/6

    If your works require an easement, we will not be able to allow you to plan your works in with us until we have confirmation that the document has been signed and sealed by our legal team.

    Safe control of operations

    People who need to work on gas networks must register under the safe control of operations (SCO) scheme.

    If you have any enquiries relating to safe control of operations please contact [email protected]

    Contact Us

    Email us at [email protected]

    or call us on 0845 366 6758


    IGT / UIP submissions: Pete O’Neill 0778 590 6608

    Analysis: Monir Uddin 0787 050 4664 / Andrew Gilfeather 0797 181 4627

    Completions: Hannah Dakin-Stevens 0781 239 1187 / Lee Tedds 0797 041 9669

    Incident alert



    Smell Gas?

    0800 111 999*

    Aa Accessibility